Журнал "Біль. Суглоби. Хребет" 2 (18) 2015
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State of the Bone Tissue in the Premenopausal Women: the Frequency of athology, Risk Factors
Автори: Manasova G.S. - Health Department of the Odessa City Council, Ukraine; Zelinsky A.A. - Оdessa State Medical University, Ukraine; Dmitrieva V.V., Kazarenko O.N., Globa S.S. - Municipal establishment «Maternity № 5» Odessa, Ukraine
Рубрики: Ревматологія, Травмотологія та ортопедія
Розділи: Медичні форуми
Версія для друку
Статья опубликована на с. 91
Introduction. The problem of the osteoporosis continues to be one of the most important medical and social problems of the modern society. It is known that every third woman after 65 years there is at minimum one fracture due to osteoporosis.
Most studies have focused on the study of the osteoporosis in the postmenopausal age when the clinical manifestations of the disease become apparent. In recent years, there is growing evidence of the prevalence of the osteoporosis in the young people.
The aim of the study. The study of the prevalence of the osteopenia and osteoporosis in the premenopausal women, the characteristic of the risk factors of the bone tissue diseases.
Materials and methods. The premenopausal wo–men were asked to complete the questionnaire, which contained the data on the somatic and obstetric–gynecologi–cal history, the lifestyle, nutrition, on the bad habits, the number of births, the nature of the menstrual function and others.
Subsequently, the patients were determined the parameters of the bone mineral density (BMD) of the calcaneus by ultrasound densitometry. The diagnosis of the osteopenia and osteoporosis, according to the recommendations –ICSD, by the basis of the Z–criterion — the standard deviation of age bone mass is determined.
The study 589 women in the one district of the Odessa city examined, the middle age was 41.90 ± 1.89 years. All of the women had normal body type with an the average body mass index 22.96 ± 2.32, the average growth 166.80 ± 5.09 cm, average weight — 63.17 ± 5.61 kg.
The results of the study. In the analysis of the questionnaires established the following. The active lifestyle, including the exercise, were 46.67 % of the women; abused the coffee and carbonated drinks — 47.04 %, smoking — 40.00 % of the women. Menarche occurred before the age of 12 years at 13.70 %, later becoming the menstrual cycle was observed in 7.41 %.
In the 53.33 % of the women had of the one birth, at 33.33 % — 2, at 6.67 % — 3 birth, did not give birth at all 6.67 % of women. At 6.67 % of the women had no one birth.
Every fifth the patient (18.15 %) were of the reproductive organs chronic inflammatory diseases, one in ten (12.22 %) had the pathology of the cervix (pseudoerosion, cervicitis).
On the gastrointestinal diseases identified 15.93 % of the women, of the kidneys — 12.96 %, rheumatoid arthritis — 7.78 %, hyperthyroidism — 7.04 %, diabetes — 7.41 % of the women. Only 7.04 % of the premenopausal women had no somatic and gynecological diseases.
According to the ultrasound densitometry, parameters of the bone mineral density were normal in only 54.16 % (319) of the women, osteopenia was found in 42.78 % (252) and at the 3.06 % (18) women osteoporosis diagnosed.
The indicators of the standard deviation of the age bone mass (Z–criterion) in the women with the osteopenia was –1.48 ± 0.22 SD, with the osteoporosis — –2.62 ± 0.06 SD.
Conclusion. Only 7 % of the premenopausal women in one district of the Odessa city have chronic diseases; the most frequently reported diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (15.93 %), kidney disease (12.96 %), and 7 % of the women suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus. Every third of the premenopausal woman (30.37 %) are diseases of the reproductive sphere. In addition, almost half of the women abused coffee, smoke.
Every second of the premenopausal women (45.84 %) revealed the osteopenia, 3.06 % in the parameters of the bone mineral density evidence of osteoporosis.